Before Surgery Patient Care Guide is helpful if you are considering a tummy tuck, breast surgery, facelift, fat transfer, or liposuction with Shape Cosmetic Surgery in Spokane and Tri Cities, Wa, there are many ways to help your recovery be less stressful and more enjoyable. Here are a few tips to help you through this process of preparing!
Prior to your surgery, we recommend grocery shopping, cleaning your home and other activities you may not be able to do while you recover from your cosmetic surgery. This will help relieve stress during your recovery and make the healing process more relaxing.
Preparing pre-made food items is always helpful. Discussing with your children that you may be unable to attend certain events for a few days may help them feel less anxious as well. Children love to help and most enjoy pampering you during this time!
It is mandatory that you arrange for someone over the age of 18 years old to provide transportation to and from surgery and the following day for your post-operative appointment. While taking your pain medication, please do not drive until you have not taken the medication for 48 hours. Your driving abilities may be impaired for this period and up to 48 hours after you have stop medication as well.
Please arrange for a caregiver to remain with you for 24 hours after your procedure. This is mandatory due to you receiving anesthetic medication. If you have young children you may not be able to care for them for 24-48 hours following surgery. Having someone to help with your children is very important. This person should monitor your pain medication doses and be able check on you throughout the night. If there are any problems, questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Lundeby at 509-458-7546
Night before Surgery
Follow the instructions on your medications that were prescribed by your surgeon. The night before you will need to:
- Take a shower and wash your surgical area with the pre-surgical soap (Hibiclens®) provided at your pre-operative appointment. Apply over all the surgical area and leave on for 30 seconds, then rinse thoroughly. Do not use Hibiclens® on your surgical area after surgery.
- Apply Scopolamine Patch behind your ear. Make sure the application area is dry before applying. Wash hands thoroughly after applying patch.
- Start your Antibiotic according to the directions on bottle.
- Remove all metal piercings.
- Do not eat or drink anything (not even water) after 11pm the night before your surgery.
Morning of Surgery
- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK anything (not even water). You may brush your teeth, but do not swallow any water. Do not chew gum, candy, mints, or drink coffee the morning of your surgery. Do not sneak anything as this may endanger you or result in cancellation or delay of your procedure.
- You may be required to give a urine sample upon arrival at Shape, please wait to us the restroom until you arrive at Shape.
- Take blood pressure and heart medication as prescribed the day of procedure.
- Leave all jewelry and valuables securely at home, as we are not responsible for any lost items.
- Do not wear moisturizers, fragrance, and makeup the day of your surgery.
- Wear loose clothing that is dark and easy to take off and on. Button up shirts/zip up sweatshirts work well. Please wear tennis shoes or closed toe shoes. Do not wear flip flops or slip-ons as they may be a trip hazard.
- Enter building through the basement door for surgery check in, along with your driver/caregiver. Ring doorbell upon arrival please.
Don’t bring your valuables or wear any jewelry (no rings, earrings, chains, toe rings, watches or other metal piercing, such as tongue and nose rings. This can interfere with some surgical instruments and may increase your risk of infection.
If you have a body piercing that cannot be removed, please contact the office to find out what your options are. You may be asked to remove metal piercing and replace with plastic stud if possible.
If you smoke, refrain from cigarettes at least two weeks prior to and until completely healed or at least six weeks after surgery. The health of your skin and the ability of your wounds to heal are greatly impaired by the effects of smoking. In certain circumstances, and with certain procedures, your procedure may be cancelled or delayed if you test positive for recent tobacco use.
Discontinue aspirin or any drugs containing aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications (1) one week prior to surgery. These drugs cause increased bruising and bleeding at the time of surgery due to the effects on clotting. Use Tylenol instead prior to surgery. DO NOT use Tylenol after surgery if you are taking your prescribed pain medication from Dr. Lundeby, it contains Tylenol as well.
Vitamin supplements should all be discontinued 2 weeks prior to the procedure as well. Exceptions are Bromelain and Arnica, which some use to prevent bleeding and bruising. These supplements can typically be restarted the day following surgery.